Classwide Peer Tutoring: Fun And Comprehensive Ways To Learn

Traditional teaching strategies are often limiting when considering the dynamic education system. So, it is no wonder that instructors and learners are constantly producing new ways to keep up with the system’s evolution.

One such method, and a very interesting one, is the classwide peer tutoring strategy that relies more on the student’s effort and lesser on the teacher’s. Will such a method hamper a student’s academic growth, or will it help them achieve a new milestone?

As you scroll on, you will learn about this innovative learning technique, its purpose and effectiveness, and many more.

What Is Classwide Peer Tutoring?

Peer tutoring is an instructional strategy where students teach each other. It is generally used to review subjects already taught in class.

Classwide peer tutoring can take the form of one-to-one interaction or groups of different sizes. Sometimes, students from other classes of the same year can also interact in such a session.

In a classwide peer tutoring environment, students take turns to alternate the roles of a tutor and tutee. They aren’t expected to be all-knowing but to contribute to the discussion positively.

As for the teachers/instructors, they monitor the class and study the students’ performance by taking note of the subjects reviewed within each group. Additionally, they may assign each group to draft a brief report to analyze the results of the peer tutoring.

Purpose Of Classwide Peer Tutoring

Classwide peer tutoring aims to narrow the knowledge gap among students by creating a comfortable learning environment. You can expect such a learning strategy to:

  • Widen students’ scope of learning by engaging them in an active transaction of learning and teaching.

  • Encourage problem-solving skills by facilitating the development of fresh ideas rather than solely relying on a teacher’s perspective.

  • Help reinforce one’s understanding of a subject by filling knowledge gaps; teaching is one of the most effective ways of learning, and peer suggestions can help students realize their shortcomings.

  • Develop a more collaborative learning environment and enable students to easily interact with their peers.

  • Boost self-confidence and foster academic achievement. Knowing that their peers understand their issues, students can overcome the usual tension of a classroom environment. This ultimately helps develop a more positive attitude toward learning.

Behavioral Expectations From Participants

Once a teacher has assigned classwide peer tutoring, students are expected to engage positively in the task and be collaborative participants. They must also play the role of both the tutor and the tutee in alternate turns.

Furthermore, it is also essential to express a positive learning attitude by delivering constructive criticism when playing the role of a tutor and accepting the same when a tutee.

Types Of Classwide Peer Tutoring

You can expect classwide peer tutoring to take different forms, each for a specific purpose. Some common methods include:

  • One-to-one tutoring: As its name suggests, this method involves one student teaching another. It is one of the best ways to conduct an intense study session. In such a setting, the tutor and tutee exchange ideas on subjects they are skilled in.

  • Group tutoring: The teacher may divide the entire class into small groups of about five members. Each take turns as tutors and discuss their understandings of a topic. They also have the opportunity to be a tutee and raise questions or provide suggestions.

  • Subject tutoring: Students familiar with certain subjects teach others using simple demonstrations. This method is suitable for a group environment or one-to-one session, but the former is more productive. Teachers usually assign a highly skilled member in each group as the tutor.

  • Supplementary tutoring: In such an environment, students may take turns to discuss ideas and case studies relevant to a topic covered by the teacher. This method helps create a more comprehensive approach to learning.

How Effective Is A Classwide Peer Tutoring?

Engaging the entire class in interactive peer tutoring positively affects a student’s learning. This learning method isn’t limited to a specific subject but is applicable across various options like reading, writing, math, science, and many more.

Classwide peer tutoring effectively supplements the basic concepts learned from traditional tutoring. It benefits both the tutor and the tutee. This strategy can enable students to relate the subject to their experiences and form connections that will give them a deeper understanding.

Everything you learn can be broken down into key concepts and further expanded into topics. By structuring a concept into parts, students learn the skill to simplify complex subjects.

It also helps students understand the different forms of teaching and devise ways to adjust to each. Doing so will also enable them to understand their instructor’s teaching methods.

Besides expanding students’ learning potential, classwide peer tutoring also promotes their social skills. Such a setting allows students to actively participate in providing and accepting suggestions.

All things considered, peer tutoring can prove beneficial in enhancing the personal and professional growth of students.

Are There Any Limitations Of Classwide Peer Tutoring?

One common issue most peer tutoring sessions have is inconsistent teaching methods. Students will automatically be exposed to different teaching methods of their peers, which they may not be familiar with.

In addition, you must also note that each student learns differently; some learn visually, while some are more used to reading or verbal teaching. As such, it may take numerous trials and errors to find a practical method for every student.

Additionally, over-tutoring or focusing the teaching session solely on intensive academic success may result in negative behavior of students. So, it is important to keep the tutoring sessions fun and educational.

Quick Recap

Classwide peer tutoring is an innovative learning strategy that enables students to teach and learn from peers. It is beneficial for situations where students require a little self-review but do not necessarily find the need to approach a teacher.

With disciplined practice, such a method can help build a strong foothold in the desire to learn while building confidence and social skills.

While it is essential to be an active participant, you must also maintain a respectful attitude toward struggling peers. After all, a collaborative and comfortable environment is crucial to yield positive results.

Isaac Abernathy
Written by

Isaac Abernathy

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